We design our physical environment and preschool classrooms at Adat Shalom to stimulate and facilitate your child’s personal learning and growth.
Large Physical Room Sizes
Children of all ages enjoy clean, spacious and comfortable classrooms that are filled with bright, natural light.
Low Student to Teacher Ratios
Our classes have a maximum class size of 12 students to two teachers, providing your child with the attention he or she deserves.
Age-Appropriate Classroom Toys, Supplies and Work/Play Areas
All of the toys and manipulatives in our classroom are specifically tailored and selected for each age-group. Additionally, we rotate the toys and manipulatives in our classrooms to ensure children can enjoy fresh play experiences throughout the year.
Each classroom has special areas for children to explore, including: a writing and coloring desk, a quiet reading area, and a painting easel
Enclosed Courtyard Playground
Our large, outdoor playground is completely enclosed in an interior courtyard, helping to keep your child safe. Additionally, we provide a variety of play structures and toys, specifically designed for preschoolers, for your child to enjoy.
Indoor Bike-Room
On very cold or wet days, our children enjoy the Bike-Room, outfitted with bikes, balls and indoor climbing equipment.
Age-Appropriate Bathroom Facilities
For children to develop toileting skills, they need a developmentally appropriate space. We have two sets of bathrooms located very close to our classrooms to provide easy access for our students and teachers. To help our toddlers, we have toilets and sinks that are smaller and lower than adult-sized facilities.
Karen A. Schapira Israel Room
Our Israel Room provides a unique, interactive learning experience for students of Adat Shalom Preschool. Here is a sampling of the early childhood activities that our children may enjoy:
- Shop at the Shuk, an outdoor marketplace.
- Visit the Western Wall, and place a “prayer” in the cracks.
- Listen to and dance to Israeli music.
- See an age-appropriate video of Israel.
- Play in the “desert.”
- Fish in the “Mediterranean.”
- Enjoy an Israeli snack.
- Create Israeli art.
Adat Shalom has a well-stocked library. Both children and adults may take out books at any time. We also use the library for special story times and meetings.
Social Hall
The Social Hall at Adat Shalom is the “home” of preschool Shabbat with Rabbi Lehrer, a.k.a., “The Challah Monster.” We also use the social hall to celebrate our preschool parties and gather for special visitor programming.